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Health Data Site by Medaffcon

Real-World Evidence (RWE) Influences Treatment Practices – Developing the Current Care Guidelines for Heart Failure

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Real-World Evidence (RWE) Influences Treatment Practices – Developing the Current Care Guidelines for Heart Failure 

My list of publications includes over 20 peer-reviewed scientific articles. One of them is a special one because the Finnish Current Care Guidelines mention it for heart failure. This blog discusses the impact of research by Medaffcon on treatment practices. 

Research on real-world data (RWD) begins with certain research questions. The incidence of disease, treatments given to patients, prognosis of a disease, patients’ healthcare resource use (HCRU) and productivity loss are revealed through real-world data. Real-world data also allows for examining patients’ treatment lines. 

The primary purpose of real-world evidence (RWE) research is to improve patient care, meaning the evidence obtained is intended to be applied to patient treatment. Clinical and animal studies continue to be an important part of drug development, but the value of real-world evidence is constantly increasing. Real-world evidence research reveals the situation of a patient group in real-life. Patients are not selected for the study; instead, real-world data reflects the everyday practices at the units treating patients. 

Sometimes, a single RWE study can improve patient care in many ways. The best part is that real-world evidence research may influence treatment practices or recommendations. 

Treatment Guidelines Are Based on Research Evidence

A group of experts compiles guidelines for treating a certain patient population based on research evidence. Thus, the guidelines depend on the research world. Treatment guidelines are the basis of every treatment decision. However, guidelines do not bind healthcare professionals or patients to act in a specific way but guide them. 

Medaffcon is Influencing the Treatment Practices 

In addition to national recommendations, scientific material, the availability of medicines, and articles published in the international scientific journals influence the treatment practices. Medaffcon has published over 40 peer-reviewed articles across therapeutic areas. 

In addition to publicly available material, Medaffcon’s studies and reports have influenced the access to medicines for patients. As an example, the real-world evidence has aided on receiving reimbursability status of a medicine. 

In Finnish Media (These are in Finnish):

Tutkimus: Sydän- ja aivoinfarktin uusiutuessa yli 60 % kuolee siihen – potilaiden jatkohoitoa parannettava ( 

Tutkimus: sydän- ja aivoinfarktin uusiutuessa yli 60 prosenttia kuolee ( 

Tutkimus: Yli 60 prosenttia kuolee uusiutuviin sydän- ja aivoinfarkteihin – 

Healthcare professionals always make treatment decisions in the best interest of the patient within the limits of the healthcare service system. Treatment guidelines and other materials support treatment decisions. Treatment guidelines depend on the researchers creating the scientific evidence. Doctors follow the literature in their field and develop the treatment practices accordingly. Bringing new research findings to light is vital to influence the patient care. Sometimes, translating research evidence to treatment practices can take years. Regularly updating the guidelines are essential to quickly support clinical work with new research findings. 

In the future, you may find all the previous articles published at the Health From Data Blog from Medaffcon´s webpage.

Liisa Ukkola-Vuoti remains the author of Health From Data Site alongside with visiting authors. A new text will be published on the site few times per season. We will no longer be sending out the Health From Data Blog newsletters seperately, and we hope that you will continue to enjoy the content in its new form. 

Medaffcon’s newsletter is published monthly, during the last week of each month. Medaffcon’s next newsletter will be published in week 9, with a blog post on the impact of RWE studies on treatment guidelines.

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